When purchasing a wood-burning stove there are many things to consider including the output of heat required into your living space. The Arte 3RL-100h is possibly the most imposing wood fireplace available in today’s market place, with a three-sided window view from this dramatic wood stove that can be viewed from different aspects of your living space.
The Arte 3RL-100h by Spartherm is very flexible with a 5 to 9kw output which increases the opportunity for living situations where this wood stove would the perfect heating product, certainly the heat would be substantial enough for a larger room setting and also burning on a lower heat a medium-sized living space would be a great situation for the Arte 3RL-100h
The Spartherm Arte 3RL-100h also comes with a 78% efficiency, so you can rest assured you have purchased an economical heating product that will stand the test of time.