The 1200 is the middle-sized fire on the Luma range and is by far the most popular. The Luma features an authentic LED flame effect with multi-coloured downlighters as well as optional 3D bowl effect. Like the majority of the fires from Flamerite range, the Luma can be controlled via the manual keypad on the fire for basic controls and for more advanced controls such as the thermostat and timers you can download the free app for IOS & Android devices.
Designed to be mounted to the wall this fire is a great option for modern homes. It is a stunning electric heater that can be installed within any room in your home, flame visuals, dancing amongst a deep bed of pebbles and shining crystals.
One of the features of the Luma which makes this fire stand out from the rest are the vibrant LED multi coloured downlighters. Giving you a different colour for every mood and every occasion.